The Final Component of Holistic Counseling

The final component of the Holistic Counseling is the use and practice of acknowledgement.  Once the negative experience has been transformed and the breakdown has been resolved it is important for a person to fully understand the difference of what his doing this work and creating a possibility has made for himself.  Acknowledgement is about getting how the created possibility has transformed the breakdown from what it was to that which is truly a breakthrough for the individual.  Acknowledgement is about getting the power of our word and thoughts for allowing us to transform breakdowns into breakthroughs, to once again become our possibilities, to be what we truly want in and from life.  It is this acknowledgement that strengthens the process of transformation thereby leaving ones sense of power restored.  Acknowledgement is about standing in ones possibility, celebrating ones power and freedom and in the process having given up being a victim.  Acknowledgement is about beginning to live life from ones possibility and not from the experience of being in the breakdown.

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Creating a New Self is the Way to Transform a Breakdown.

The fourth component of Holistic Counseling involves creating a possibility or new self given the breakdown experience.  This powerful act of creation can be to develop a new view of oneself or get back into previously chosen possibility or goal of who you want to be in life.  Creating possibilities or a new self can be life transforming.  However, once we are convinced that we are being our self limiting belief, that the source of the breakdown is the self limiting belief and not that which the story tends convey, it is at that moment that we can develop a new self or possibility to be at that moment, a new self given the breakdown experience.  It is by creating a new self or possibility by our spoken word that the experience itself will begin to transform.  The breakdown only happens because of who we are being. It is by causing a new self to come into existence through our word that our inadequate way of being will begin to completely dissolve and with it the breakdown itself. It is with the creation of a new self or possibility that the person’s power and freedom are once again restored.

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More on Dealing with Breakdowns in Recovery.

Within the work of holistic counseling, the process of gaining insight will assist the individual in becoming authentic and also allow that person to stay in his recovery.  Gaining insight is a very important component of holistic counseling, the utilization of which allows the individual to move out of his self-limiting belief and back into being his created possibility.  When one begins to experience a breakdown he has gone back into being his self-limiting belief.  Their will be the story which is made up about what is happening in his life and also that which is hidden from him, that which is truly directing and creating his life, including the story. The technology of the insight process allows the individual the ability to transform his experience by being authentic and as a result letting go of being his self limiting belief thereby regaining his power and freedom through being his possibilities.  Utilization of the process of insight as with transformation itself is a practice that requires a great deal of commitment.  As with any skill the structure of gaining insight is taught and it is in communication with the persons coach or even sponsor that its implementation is brought forth into the individual’s life.

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Taking Care of Yourself through Transforming Stress.

Learning how to take care of ourselves involves making appropriate distinctions about ourselves, others and life in general. One distinction that is crucial for our well being is realizing how and from where much of our stress is primarily generated. While some of the stressors that we face are apart of what it is to be a human being, much of the stress that we experience is of our own creation. A great deal of the stress that we experience has its origin in our own personal story and the meaning we make about life, in the thoughts that we think. Once we understand that we are truly the cause in the matter, that we are responsible for the thoughts that we create or invent and that it is from these thoughts that much of our stress is generated, then and only then will we begin to be able to truly manage our stress and have the power to live the life that we want and love. Blaming others or situations for that which we experience will only limit our power, lead to frustration and eventually a great deal of stress.

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Notes on Louise Hay’s Movie, You Can Heal Your Life.

Below are some notes that I took while watching Louise Hay’s movie, You Can Heal Your Life.

Our inner conversation is very important.

Thoughts are not a reflection of what is happening to us.

Our thoughts are creating our experiences.

Our thoughts creat our future.

You become what you think about.

Change from negative to positive thinking will make all the difference.

Our source is inside, not outside us.

You can rewire patterns in the brain by changing our thoughts.

Change your thinking and you can change your life.

The gateway to wisdom and knowledge is always open to you.

I can change.

Paying attention to what you are saying gives you access to what your point of attraction truly is.

Open up spiritually.

Care about how you feel and create your happiness.

Bring love to all situations.

I forgive and I set myself free.

It is always about dealing with yourself.

Look for something to appreciate in everything.

We think there are limits to what we can do.  There are no limits except what we create.

The primary intention is to be happy.

We need to release the barriers to our life and let go.

The universe reflects back to us our point of attraction.

What we think is what comes true for us, especially about ourselves.

Every time you think a thought or say a word you are creating your life.

Do affirmations deliberately everyday to change your life.

Put your emotions behind the positive affirmations.

When we pray we enter the feeling of having the prayer answered.

We must feel the affirmations.

Awareness is the first step in the healing process.

When we are facing challenges we tend to blame.

Anything you complain about constantly is something you have an unconscious desire to produce.

Loving the self is the key.

Focus on being healthy, not on fixing what is wrong or broken.

What we think about and say is creating our experiences and life.

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Comments about the Power of Intention.

I am currently reading a book by Wayne Dyer, The Power of Intention.  This is a very powerful book.  Its application to all human beings interested in transforming their lives is very direct, including those in recovery.  All of our problems are the result of us being “disconnected” from our source, from intention or God.

While I believe that positive affirmation can help to transform a person’s life, to help them feel better, ultimately this transformation has to led to reestablishing that union that Dr Dyer talks about.  Without the connection we live our life from ego, and with this comes the problems and struggles of life.  It appears that meditation is part of this process for reconnecting.

The two modalities are important, positive affirmations and meditation.  Ester and Jerry Hicks wrote about the power of affirmations and meditation for transforming a person’s life and way of being.  When these two modalities are put together the therapeutic result can be very powerful.

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Positive Affirmations for Recovery from Surgery.

Below are listed ten positive affirmations for anyone in recovery from surgery. While positive affirmations are very powerful, this power can be enhanced by using them with therapeutic relaxation music.

1.  I am healthy and filled with energy.

2.  My body restores itself ow to its natural state of good health.

3.  I am perfect, whole and complete.

4.  Every cell of my body is healthy.

5.  My body heals quickly and easily.

6.  I love and accept myself exactly as I am.

7.  I joyously release the past.  I forgive.  I am at peace.

8.  I always take good care of myself.

9.  My body is strong and healthy, I am strong and healthy.

10.  I am grateful for my good health.

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The Powerful work of Louise Hay can help to transform your life.

The work of Louise Hay is truly transforming.  Her book, You Can Heal Your Life, has assisted many people in changing their lives, in transforming their state of being.  Below you will find some of her basis principles.

1.  We are totally responsible for our experiences.

2.  Our thinking is creating our experiences and future.

3.  Our power is always to be found in the present.

4.  Everyone suffers from self hatred and guilt.

5.  For all human beings the belief is that “I am not good enough.”

6.  It is only thought and thought can be changed.

7.  We must release the past and forgive everyone.

8.  We must be willing and learn how to love ourselves.

9.  Self-approval and self-acceptance in the now are the keys to positive changes.

10.  When we really love ourselves everything in our life works.

It is recommended that the work of Louse Hay be read and studied by anyone that is interested in transforming their lives, including those who are in recovery.

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Learning how to take care of ourselves requires making appropriate distinctions about ourselves, others and life in general.

Learning how to take care of ourselves also involves making appropriate distinctions about ourselves, others and life in general. One distinction that is crucial for our well being is realizing how and from where much of our stress is primarily generated. While some of the stressors that we face are apart of what it is to be a human being, much of the stress that we experience is of our own creation. A great deal of the stress that we experience has its origin in our own personal story and the meaning we make about life, in the thoughts that we think. Once we understand that we are truly the cause, that we are responsible for the thoughts that we create or invent and that it is from these thoughts that much of our stress is generated, then and only then will we begin to be able to truly manage our stress and have the power to live the life that we want and love. Blaming others or situations for that which we experience will only limit our power, lead to frustration and eventually a great deal of stress.

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Taking responsibility for life.

It is important to take complete ownership and responsibility for your life.  We do need to understand that we have created and chosen your life the way it is occurring for you.  We are the cause of what we experience and our life.  This is a true point of power, to fully accept and acknowledge this.  We are the cause of life and not the effect, even though sometimes we believe we are the latter.  Restoring our power is to assume our responsibility, for everything in our life.  To practice taking responsibility is to accept life and ourselves as they are, fully, openly, with no blame.

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